Update a file through a Python algorithm

Project description

At my organization, access to restricted content is controlled with an allow list of IP addresses. The “allow_list.txt” file identifies these IP addresses. A separate remove list identifies IP addresses that should no longer have access to this content. I created an algorithm to automate updating the “allow_list.txt” file and remove these IP addresses that should no longer have access.

Open the file that contains the allow list

In the initial phase of the algorithm, I focused on opening the file named “allow_list.txt.” To accomplish this, I assigned the filename to a variable called import_file, representing it as a string. This step serves as the foundation for subsequent operations involving the allow list.

Subsequently, I employed a with statement to open the file, ensuring that it would be properly closed after the operations within the block were executed. This approach is both efficient and effective for file handling, as it manages resources optimally.

In my algorithm, the with statement is utilized in conjunction with Python’s built-in .open() function, set to read mode (“r”), to facilitate the reading of the “allow_list.txt” file. The primary objective of this operation is to access the IP addresses enumerated within the allow list. The with keyword ensures efficient resource management by automatically closing the file upon exiting the scope of the with block.

In the line with open(import_file, "r") as file:, the .open() function takes two arguments. The first specifies the file to be opened, represented by the import_file variable, and the second, denoted by “r”, indicates the file should be opened in read mode. The as keyword is used to assign the output of the .open() function to a variable named file, which temporarily holds the file object for the duration of the with block.

Reading the File Contents

To read the contents of the file, I employed the .read() method, which reads the file’s content and converts it into a string format. This allows for further manipulation or analysis of the data within the file.

When utilizing the .open() function with the “r” argument for “read,” the .read() method can be invoked within the body of the with statement. This method reads the file’s content and converts it into a string, enabling further data manipulation. Specifically, I applied the .read() method to the file variable, which was defined within the scope of the with statement. The string output of this method was then assigned to a variable named ip_addresses.


In essence, this segment of code reads the contents of the “allow_list.txt” file and converts it into a string format. This allows for subsequent data organization and extraction within my Python program.

Converting the String into a List

To facilitate the removal of individual IP addresses from the allow list, it was necessary to have the data in a list format. To achieve this, I employed the .split() method on the ip_addresses string, thereby converting it into a list. This step prepares the data for more granular operations, such as adding or removing specific IP addresses.

The .split() method is invoked by appending it to a string variable, in this case, ip_addresses. This method transforms the string into a list, facilitating easier manipulation of individual elements, such as the removal of specific IP addresses from the allow list. By default, .split() divides the string based on whitespace, creating list elements accordingly. In the context of this algorithm, the .split() method takes the string of IP addresses stored in the ip_addresses variable—each separated by whitespace—and converts it into a list. This newly created list is then stored back into the ip_addresses variable for further use.

Iterating Through the Remove List

A crucial component of my algorithm involves traversing the list of IP addresses designated for removal, commonly referred to as remove_list. To accomplish this, I employed a for loop, which allows for the systematic examination and manipulation of each IP address within the list. This step is essential for the accurate and efficient removal of specified IP addresses from the allow list.

The for loop in Python serves to execute a block of code for each item in a specified sequence. In the context of this algorithm, the for keyword initiates the loop, followed by the loop variable, often referred to as element, and the in keyword. The in keyword specifies that the loop should iterate through each item in the ip_addresses sequence, assigning the current value to the loop variable element for each iteration.

Removing IP Addresses from the Allow List

The objective of this part of the algorithm is to remove any IP addresses from the ip_addresses list (the allow list) that are also present in the remove_list. Given that the ip_addresses list did not contain any duplicates, I was able to accomplish this task efficiently with the following code:

(Note: The code is not provided here, but it would typically involve iterating through remove_list and removing any matching IP addresses from ip_addresses.)

This step is crucial for maintaining an updated and secure allow list, ensuring that only authorized IP addresses have access.

Conditional Check and Removal of IP Addresses

Within the for loop, I incorporated a conditional statement to check if the loop variable element exists within the ip_addresses list. This step is crucial because attempting to remove an element that doesn’t exist in the list would result in an error.

Upon confirming the presence of element in ip_addresses, I utilized the .remove() method on the ip_addresses list. I passed the loop variable element as an argument to this method, ensuring that each IP address present in remove_list would be effectively removed from ip_addresses.

Updating the File with Revised IP Addresses

The final phase of my algorithm involves updating the “allow_list.txt” file with the newly revised list of IP addresses. To accomplish this, the list needed to be converted back into a string format. I employed the .join() method to achieve this transformation, thereby preparing the data for re-writing into the file.

By completing these steps, the algorithm ensures that the “allow_list.txt” file is updated to reflect the most current and secure list of authorized IP addresses.

Utilizing the .join() Method for String Conversion

The .join() method in Python is used to concatenate all items in an iterable into a single string. The method is applied to a string that serves as the separator between the elements in the iterable when they are joined. In the context of this algorithm, I used the .join() method to transform the ip_addresses list back into a string. This string is then suitable for being written back into the “allow_list.txt” file. I employed the newline character ("\n") as the separator, instructing Python to place each IP address on a new line in the file.

Updating the File Using .write()

To finalize the update to the “allow_list.txt” file, I used another with statement in conjunction with the .write() method. The with statement ensures that the file is properly closed after writing, while the .write() method is used to actually write the string back into the file.

By executing these steps, the algorithm effectively updates the “allow_list.txt” file, ensuring it contains the most current and secure list of authorized IP addresses.

Writing to the File with the .write() Method

In this instance, I employed the open() function with the “w” argument within the with statement. The “w” argument signifies that the file should be opened in write mode, allowing for the overwriting of its existing contents. When the file is opened in this mode, the .write() method can be invoked within the with statement’s block. This method writes the string data to the specified file, effectively replacing any pre-existing content.

In this specific scenario, my objective was to write the updated allow list, now stored as a string, back into the “allow_list.txt” file. This ensures that the removed IP addresses no longer have access to the restricted content. To accomplish this, I used the .write() method on the file object, which was defined within the with statement, and passed the ip_addresses variable as an argument. This action overwrites the existing content of the file with the updated list of authorized IP addresses.


I developed an algorithm designed to remove specific IP addresses, as identified in a remove_list variable, from an “allow_list.txt” file containing approved IP addresses. The algorithm involves several key steps:

  1. Opening the “allow_list.txt” file and reading its contents into a string.
  2. Converting this string into a list, stored in the ip_addresses variable.
  3. Iterating through the remove_list to identify and remove any matching IP addresses from ip_addresses.
  4. Converting the updated ip_addresses list back into a string using the .join() method.
  5. Writing this updated string back into the “allow_list.txt” file, thereby overwriting its existing content.

By executing these steps, the algorithm ensures that the “allow_list.txt” file is updated to reflect the most current and secure list of authorized IP addresses.

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